Sunday 1 December 2013

Adur Police take over......

In the Harald we have yet more evidence of Adur District Council's Tory cabal infecting the local police in order to ensure special treatment and immunity from prosecution.

This week apparently Shoreham police station was "taken over" by kids, not just any kids though, by local councillors kids.

Yes, dressed in police uniforms, which I'm led to believe is actually an offence, we have some of the Tory Youth, in particular that progeny of Cllr E*** E****, another member of the vile D** clan. Don't worry though because mum was there too, just to ensure that the next generation of the family are not challenged by the local police team for anything that they do, just like the rest of the gang.

Yes, the local Tories are always looking for ways to give themselves and their kin an advantage over the rest of the local community, and sadly the local police team are only too willing to play ball in order to enhance their "working partnership" with these corrupt "politicians".

What was interesting about this story is this part:
The idea that a gang of schoolchildren including local councillors kids were allowed to attend a police briefing is outrageous, what about the Data Protection Act, and legal privilege, not to mention the potential for these kids to gossip about potential crimes, that are yet to be investigated, with their parents or school friends, when we are supposed to have restrictions on such things.

It's no surprise that the local policing team support the councillors, after all, they're only too happy to babysit for them. No wonder that they all get the right to be exempt from the law when applied by the local officers.

If we don't stand up to the vile local tory council by voting against them, we will simply have the same families ripping us off just like their parents and grandparents have done for years.

These pariahs have just released their allowance figures for the year, and don't worry about them having to go without, they're having their pay rise backdated to April after telling us that they didn't think that it was appropriate that they take a pay rise when others in the organisation are not given the same. I guess that they thought that if they did it later, we'd never notice that they are really a big bunch of fibbers who are robbing us all blind in order to pay for their kids horses that like to crap all over our roads (and possibly bridges too).