Friday 13 September 2013

Beware of false profits.

As a resident of Shoreham I like to keep abreast of the pecuniary concerns of our local democratic representatives just to make sure that they are acting in our best interests and not for their own business interests.

Most of them are pretty well hidden, however the MP is forced to disclose, and so his are published for us all to see, and in my opinion all of us should keep an eye on such things.

Anyway, here's Timmy Loughton's latest release:

As well as the return of his "Classwatch" interest in filming kids in schools, which strangely disappeared while he was a Jr minister, anyone would think that he retained this interest but simply transferred it into someone else's name to avoid conflict of interests and breaking ministerial rules.

The most interesting disclosure is the one involving the Mindful Policy Group, which appears to be a profit based lobbying organisation, which he claims he receives no remuneration for, which is a bit strange considering that his request to ACOBA stated this.......
Now I may be seeing things but that definitely says "paid appointment" doesn't it?

However the most interesting part of the story is this:

Yes, this company is spreading some pretty extreme claims, and strangely enough part of the debate in parliament this week consisted of a Tory MP almost reciting the claims about kids brains being tiny when born and magically enlarged by love and attention, rather than the more traditional physiological reasons, but that couldn't have possibly come from Timbo because that would be very naughty indeed and could lead to another lobbying scandal.

The scariest part of this company's claims, aside from referring to attachment theory as attachment science, is that they claim that most recognised mental disorders are caused by poor parenting. Does that include dementia Timmy, is that caused by poor parenting?

He sadly doesn't mention dementia, however he does include in the list of conditions, or "problems" as he calls them, which are caused by poor parenting, "Personality Disorder", "Depression", "Capacity to commit violence", "Bipolar", and "Autism".

It all sounds a bit like a history of psychoanalysis to me and is outdated, dangerous and laughable. Admittedly there are some medical professionals out there who hold these views, but they are nothing more than theories that reappear every couple of decades and are dismissed as nonsense and so fade away again, remember the 1980's celebrity claims that they took too many drugs because their mummy didn't love them enough, well it's back, and idiots like Loughton are trying to have it written into government policy.

Perhaps the most dangerous part of all this, is the claim that autism is caused by poor parenting, this is complete and utter crap and is a myth that has taken autism charities decades to dispel. I'd love to see the response of parents of autistic kids if Timmy turned up at one of their events, as he sometimes does, (when a press photographer is likely to be there) and tell them all that their children's condition was caused by them, they'd lynch the idiot.

I wonder if when he opens mental health awareness week next month he'll be telling everyone in attendance that their conditions were caused by their parents being a bit crap, I do hope that for his safety there aren't any people in attendance who have been diagnosed with the mental illness that he refers to as "capacity to commit violence".

What a total numpty he really is, and someone is paying him for this...............